WERGS Consultancy

About Us

About us

Our mission is to help & grow SMEs and Business Owners

We remove the growth barriers that companies face and provide individual business advice.

Owning and running your own business can be a lonely place. Our experts offer much more than advice – we coach and educate business owners to help them work ON the business instead of IN the business. 

By taking away the pain of reviewing funding options, legal negotiations, and applications, we free up valuable time to enable you to grow.

We make a difference

Our vision and what we can do to help your business

This is crucial – many business owners are great at running their business and the key elements that entails. It does not mean they are great with their own numbers – if you are only seeing your accountants once a year (to be told your tax bill) something is wrong!

This is easier said than done. Largely because business owners spend their time running the business not looking outside. We recently saved a manufacturing company over £200k of costs simply by taking time out to explore the market.

It’s vital that business owners know what their vision is. What ideally will the business look like in 2/3/4/5 years’ time? What are the realistic goals and what are the ambitions?
To share this with your team is essential for everyone to pull together in the same direction.


Some of our

Over £100m raised
30+ years experience
250+ deals completed
Jaz Khunkun - Founder & CEO, WERGS Consultancy Ltd

"Creating value for our clients is vital, it’s not just about the cheapest rate, it's about making the right financial choices."

WERGS was established by Jaz Khunkun to help SMEs with growth and funding. 

With over 30 years of Director level Banking and Corporate Finance experience at NatWest, HSBC and Barclays this provides a fantastic range of skills to assist clients. 

Having experience in both general businesses over a wide range of sectors plus Real Estate provides a unique perspective when looking at a business. Our primary goal is to understand the business first and foremost. Establishing where the owners are looking to take the business is vital when considering not just funding but all aspects of the business. 

Jaz KhunkunFounder & CEO, WERGS Consultancy Ltd
We make a difference

The best funding solutions for
growing your business


Insights and news

Top 10 oldest banks in the world.

The Origins of Banking and the World’s Oldest Bank While the oldest bank still in existence is the Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, founded in 1472, the concept of…

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